When you have a company or business website, each page is critical. Not only are the copywriting and the look of the page important, but it is also essential to make sure each page says something that pulls readers in and makes them want to go to the next page, particularly the sales page. The sales page is crucial: if you lose readers on the sales page, or even before that, you will probably lose them as potential, or even current, customers.
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The Perfect Sales Page
To have an effective sales page, you need effective copywriting. Copywriters don’t just write descriptively about the items they’re promoting. These professionals put a lot of thought into what they’re going to say next. They look at the whole picture, so to speak, and work with the client to make sure each and every paragraph produces certain results. Sales pages, in particular, can make or break a business. The right copywriter will make sure your sales page is both eye-catching and descriptive, and that it gives readers all the information they need to become your customers.
Today’s consumers are smart and savvy. They know what they want, and can tell when they’re being fed nonsense or when they’re heading in the wrong direction. Sales pages must catch their attention from the beginning. They must educate readers, describing exactly why they need your product or service. Again, this is a job for experienced product description services who know what they’re doing, and who can describe your product or service in a way that makes readers want to know more. Professional writers know how to create the perfect sales page without a condescending or offensive tone. They don’t talk at readers, they speak to them, and they use facts and specifics to back up their claims. After all, the more credible you are, the more likely it is that a customer will trust you. Establishing a trusting relationship with your clients means customer loyalty will follow.
Choosing the Right Page Length
In addition to the content, the length of the sales page needs to be just right. Research has compared different word lengths on various homepages. In one study, one homepage contained 1,292 words, while another contained only 488 words. The lengthier homepage converted more—by a total of 7.6%. The fact is, with more content, your rankings with Google increase, as do your conversion rates. This is why experts recommend at least 2,000 words of quality content.
Increase Your Rankings and Conversions with These Seven Tips
Sales pages are not useful unless they produce results (or “conversions,” as they are known in the technical world). Converting a sales page into an actual sale may take many steps, but it is not impossible. We recommend the following tips to increase the probability that a reader will turn into a customer:
- Pay attention to your headlines. While it’s essential that your main headline is as attention-grabbing as possible, including a pre-headline and a post-headline is important as well. The majority of readers—over 90% of them—will first skim through the page before deciding if they want to stop and read it in more detail, so it’s important to have headlines that draw their attention and speak to what the readers want to hear.
- Make your introduction stand out. Hook the readers with the first paragraph; it’s your most crucial one. Many readers will stop reading if the first paragraph does not get their attention.
- Use bullet points. Use them to create any lists you wish to develop. This gives the information you’re highlighting a crisp, clean look and presents it in an easy-to-read way—which improves your credibility and makes you look more knowledgeable to your readers.
- Let the reader know that you’re Anyone can develop a website. Since website content is not regulated, readers want to know they are dealing with a reputable, professional company. You can establish credibility by including testimonials from customers and using specific numbers instead of generic or vague information. The more specific you are, the more credible you appear.
- Be specific in your information. Make sure you’re specific with all the details. Do not use vague words or descriptions. Listing specific details of a feature is important when describing a product. You need to describe services in detail, and you should include information on any packages offered. This section needs to be very thorough and let the readers know just what they’re going to get. No “fluff” or vague descriptions should be used. Specific terms and information make you sound more confident and knowledgeable about your product line or service.
- Make the purchasing experience simple. As with in-person sales, virtual salespeople have to ask for the sale. This means including a button that says something like “Request a Quote” or “Buy Now”—anything that asks for the sale and makes the sale sound urgent. Also, make it easy for the customer to purchase the item, which means offering a secure way to order and making the ordering process fast. People are busier than ever these days, so making the ordering process simple and fast is an absolute must.
- Try to include some type of bonus. This can be almost anything, from a tutorial to a free sample to a quick start guide. Making readers feel as if they’re getting something free always increases the chances they’ll become customers, either right away or in the future. It doesn’t have to be another product, but it should be something that has a particular value.
A Few Last Words
Creating the perfect sales page requires the exact combination of words that attracts readers quickly and will turn them into customers. This must be done by people who have the expertise needed to produce the results you expect. From the most microscopic detail to the most important one, leaving the sales page and your website to experienced copywriters is often the best thing to do.
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